Monday, June 15, 2009

John Adams Walking Biking

Great success at John Adams Middle school for Bike/Walk to school day on 12 June 2009: Of 990 students over 415 students participated: 311 walkers, 71 bikers, 24 bus riders, and 9 arriving by skateboard or scooter. This is the highest percentage in the district! A survey of some cyclists arriving on campus showed 35 out of 46 cyclists (over 75%) were wearing helmets. We already have a great report on the web: but here are a few more pictures:

This is our crew of helpers after the successful distribution of Popsicles!

Almost half of the students arriving without a car, that is really a great. But who is going to sit down and calculate all the good we have done the environment, the health, and the community, by driving less, by walking and cycling more. Perhaps there is a Science Magnet somewhere at JAMS? I think I saw one on the lawn.

Diane Toppel laughing her bike in a safe distance from car doors. Remember, these doors have a nasty habit of opening any time. So stay away from them!

Of course here are many ways to ride your bike, and even some cars like to ride a bike. They just put it up on the roof, and bingo, even a car can cycle.

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